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skutočné filmy – zoznam najlepších dokumentárnych, inštruktážnych, … jednoducho non-fiction filmov

200 rokov chirurgie

It would take a little while for surgeons to discover that the use of anesthesia allowed them time to be meticulous. Despite the advantages of anesthesia, Liston, like many other surgeons, proceeded in his usual lightning-quick and bloody way. Spectators in the operating-theater gallery would still get out their pocket watches to time him. The butler’s operation, for instance, took an astonishing 25 seconds from incision to wound closure. (Liston operated so fast that he once accidentally amputated an assistant’s fingers along with a patient’s leg, according to Hollingham. The patient and the assistant both died of sepsis, and a spectator reportedly died of shock, resulting in the only known procedure with a 300% mortality.)

možno si na to časom zvyknem, možno to ani nie je zlé, ale zatiaľ ma takéto články znepokojujú – používatelia Mac-ov a PC vidia iné výsedky vyhľadávania (na stránke Orbitz, keď hľadajú hotely)… skúste si tipnúť, komu sa zobrazia drahšie možnosti

5 profilov ľudí a ich pohľad na tých ostatných – každý ďalší je 5krát bohatší, ako ten predchádzajúci

na Islande boli včera voľby (Thóra Arnórsdóttir ich nevyhrala)

As Icelanders go to the polls on Saturday to decide on their next president, the sitting candidate faces a challenge from an unlikely contender – a 37-year-old mother of three, with a newborn baby…

It’s not Thora who is carrying the baby, but her partner of eight years, Svavar, with whom she has two other children, aged six and four…

“She comes everywhere with us. We’ve always divided duties at home: we’ve both been working in full-time jobs and Icelandic women have always worked no matter how many children they have and that won’t change. It doesn’t matter what the job is or if they’re called ‘president’.”


Pink tweetovala fotku zo svojho turné – kojí na nej svoju dcéru

rodinné portréty cez skype

človek vraj má menej predsudkov/biases keď rozmýšľa v cudzom jazyku – akurát je podľa mňa na mieste otázka, nakoľko to závisí od toho, ako ten daný jazyk ovláda; a nakoľko je s tým prepletená kultúra krajiny, kde sa hovorí daným jazykom

o princezničkovských topánkach a o tom, ako sa dievčatá hrajú vonku – alebo zväzovanie chodidiel 2012

Boys learn “to use their bodies in skilled ways, and this gives them a good sense of their physical capacities and limits…. Girls hold themselves back from full, complete movement, Although it’s usually something girls are unaware of, they actually learn to hamper their movements, developing a ‘body timidity that increases with age.’

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