
oneskorene ale predsa…

Víkend sme mali s deckami dobrý, ale rozlietaný (Mišo je už vyše týždňa na návsteve u Drakulu a ešte chvíľu bude… ) a ku počítaču som sa síce včera večer dostala a dokonca som pri ňom sedela (dlhšie, ako by mi bolo milé, zabalila som to niekedy pred druhou), ale na linky času nezvýšilo. Takže dnes:

Už nejakých pár týždňov chodím na skupinové cvičenia BodyBeat Workout, ktoré trochu pripomínajú ten kickbox, na ktorý sme chodili v Hobokene. Tréner je namakaný, občas sa takto vešia po tyčiach:

jakubale na túto Ukrajinku sa nechytá:

Minulý týždeň som spomenula hru 2048. Ukazuje sa, že odnože sa kopia ako na bežiacom páse. Zaujala ma Fibonacci verzia 2584, ale bude musieť počkať, lebo teraz sa všeličo nakopilo a je mi jasné, že keď sa do nej pustím, tak som zase na pár hodín odpísaná… – štatistiky o slovenských poslancoch

netradičné interview s Barakom Obamom (a čo na to povedal Stephen Colbert)

on being cared for

The problematic portrayal given by the patriachry and internalized by all of us (to different extents) is that women NEED to be cared for, can’t take care of themselves, depend on men for strength. Princesses need to be saved by knights, Katherine Heigel nees to be saved by whoever that guy with dimples is, and so on and so forth. The problematic reality is that women are caretakers, for children, spouses, their own parents, the children of others, etc. and that is most often in ADDITION to the work they do that the market recognizes as ‘valuable.’  So you can’t take care of yourself (read: need a man to do it for you) but have the responsibility to care for everyone else around you (with no compensation and often without recognition). And while this obviously makes no sense when I write it out that way, we all accept it and play into it to different degrees. This weird contradiction is met with the additional and very strange expectation that women who identify as feminists cannot have a male partner on whom they rely lest they have nullified their feminism membership.

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