Víkendové surfovanie

realita spojená so známymi filmovými scénami (h/t Didi)


červená škvrna na Jupiteri sa zmenšuje

Historic observations as far back as the late 1800s gauged this turbulent spot to span about 41 000 kilometres at its widest point — wide enough to fit three Earths comfortably side by side. In 1979 and 1980 the NASA Voyager fly-bys measured the spot at a shrunken 23 335 kilometres across. Now, Hubble has spied this feature to be smaller than ever before.

“Recent Hubble Space Telescope observations confirm that the spot is now just under 16 500 kilometres across, the smallest diameter we’ve ever measured,” said Amy Simon of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, USA.

ako hovorí Stephen Hawking, to nie je náš najväčší problém

spurious correlations – o tom, že korelácia nerovná sa kauzalita


What’s the link between human rights and cooking, cleaning and caring and why does it matter? (h/t Zuzine)

if society recognized  unpaid care work as work – valuable work, significant work, a major occupation – then our policies would be very different. Our government budgets would be different, and our strategies for development would be different.

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