Víkendové surfovanie

What a Dad Cooks for His Two Very Hungry Boys in a Week

The Week My Husband Left And My House Was Burgled I Secured A Grant To Begin The Project That Became BRCA1

obrovské vlny (h/t Diana Oliveira, ktorá je kúsok odtiaľ):


gömböc alebo prečo má korytnačka taký tvar, aký má

first round – 10 years

companies with a female founder performed 63% better than our investments with all-male founding teams.

last-minute ubytovanie v Čechách

ešte to nie je čítanie myšlienok, ale ide to tým smerom (a to bolo 6 rokov dozadu)

scary: A Wisconsin company will let employees use microchip implants to buy snacks and open doors

“Women’s chess”: A misleading and counterproductive label

wavegrower – túto linku určite pozrite

viete, kto je posledný (ostatný) Dr Who?

Real Men Might Get Made Fun Of

A result is that, for the most part, the only people weathering those consequences are the ones who don’t have the luxury of staying quiet. Women, already impeded and imperiled by sexism, also have to carry the social stigma of being feminist buzzkills if they call attention to it. People of color not only have to deal with racism; they also have to deal with white people labeling them “angry” or “hostile” or “difficult” for objecting.

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