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rozhovor so Zuzanou Límovou, ktorá natočila film o slovenských pôrodniciachk tomu táto hrôza 

Nebudem vám rozprávať o nepeknom prostredí či starom zariadení, lebo cez to sa človek prenesie. Čo ale riešite, je zúfalstvo, že s vami nikto nekomunikuje, že sa k vám správajú ako ku kusu mäsa.

a pritom to môže byť takéto parádne

A contraction duly arrives, Laura pushes and roars. Screams and contorts her face. Amazingly she doesn’t swear but uses Enid Blyton curse words like ‘golly!’ and ‘gosh!’, and a melodic and beautiful wailing, it is like siren song, here she is, in water, crying out in primal pain with harmony, harmony with herself, with the sound, with birth.

I’ve heard new fathers say, ‘I never knew such love was in me,’ but I always knew, I just didn’t know what to do with it. When I saw her I knew. I knew her and I knew what to do.

I climbed into the pool. Laura talks to her daughter: ‘Hello. I’m your mummy. I’m your mummy and you’ve done so well.’ She doesn’t cry but we do. Not sobbing or weeping, tears run as if a newly acquired altitude is wringing them from our faces.

Maria Svarbova a jej fotky z bazénov

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