Víkendové surfovanie

She Ran From the Cut, and Helped Thousands of Other Girls Escape, Too

Finally, after nearly four years of dialogue, the elders in her village changed hundreds of years of culture and abandoned cutting. She had persuaded the men, and with them the village, that everyone would be healthier and wealthier if girls stayed in school, married later and gave birth without the complications cutting can create.

She and the elders planned a different kind of ceremony to celebrate girls, and the next year, the number of girls in school soared.

The Martians claim Canada (Margaret Atwood), perfektné

a ešte od Margaret Atwood: rozlúčka s Ursulou K Le Guin (Left hand of darkness), ktorá nedávno zomrela  

In all her work, Le Guin was always asking the same urgent question: what sort of world do you want to live in? Her own choice would have been gender equal, racially equal, economically fair and self-governing, but that was not on offer. It would also have contained mutually enjoyable sex and good food: there was a better chance of that.

Why Do So Many Digital Assistants Have Feminine Names?

Hey Cortana. Hey Siri. Hey girl.

Everyone Should Have a House Meal

It is a meal that one automatically falls back on whenever there is no other plan. This sounds immeasurably broad, but there are a number of prerequisites that narrow the field somewhat: The first is that it be intrinsically easy to trim and change into various meals whose roots in common stock are impossible to discern by anyone but the cook. Second, a house meal should be made of common ingredients, so that you are likely to have them. Third, it must be fast to make. Fourth, it can’t demand too much skill, in case some part needs to get handed off.

nové najväčšie prvočíslo – ešte v septembri som na prednáške spomínala to predchádzajúce, ktoré vtedy kraľovalo už rok

Pracovala som v pôrodnici. Už nechcem mlčať o tom, čo som videla 

Monday morning observation

China Has Already Gene-Edited 86 People With CRISPR

Elena Ferrante (My brilliant friend) začala písať pravidelný stĺpček do novín

What scientists want? respektíve, čo niektorí chceli pred 300 rokmi

The Prolongation of Life
The Recovery of Youth
The Art of Flying

Everything I did wrong as a professor (h/t Ondrovi za linku)

21st Century Landscapes

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