Blindsight a Echopraxia

Dve knihy, ktoré napísal Peter Watts. Veľmi, veľmi zaujímavé. Nepíšem, že výborné (to mám rezervované na inú kvalitu), všeličo sa im dá vytknúť, ale sú veľmi podnetné na rozmýšľanie o vedomí, o slobodnej vôli, o tom, čo všetko je život.
V knihách totiž ide o kontakt s iným životom. Schválne nepíšem, že s mimozemšťanmi, lebo to už máme zaškatuľkované… možno nie úplne ako zelených mužíkov, ale vpodstate ako niečo ľuďom celkom podobné. Ale tu je ten iný život tak cudzí a tak iný, že naše kategórie jednoducho nie sú aplikovateľné.
Treba veľa čítať medzi riadkami. Predpokladám, že kopu vecí mi aj ušlo (a na rozdiel od niektorých iných kníh nemám chuť si tieto prečítať znovu), ale to je práve ten druhý dôvod, pre ktorý knižky odporúčam. 
nature of free will, which Wegner thumbnails as “our mind’s way of estimating what it thinks it did”
at least under routine conditions, consciousness does little beyond taking memos from the vastly richer subconcious environment, rubber-stamping them, and taking the credit for itself. In fact, the nonconscious mind usually works so well on its own that it actually employs a gatekeeper in the anterious cingulate cortex to do nothing but prevent the conscious self from interfering in daily operations
The game is never over; there’s no finish line this side of heat death. And so, neither can there be any winners. There are only those who haven’t yet lost.
It didn’t matter whether shackles were built of genes or iron, whether you installed them after birth or before conception. Chains were chains, no matter where you put them.
What do you think vision is?” she asked him. “You don’t see a fraction of the things that surround you, and at least half the things you do see are deceptive. Hell, color doesn’t even exist outside your own head. Vision’s just plain wrong; it only persists because it works. If you’re going to dismiss the idea of God, you better stop believing your own eyes in the bargain.
Truth had never been a priority. If believing a lie kept the genes proliferating, the system would believe that lie with all its heart.
Brains are survival engines, not truth detectors. If self-deception promotes fitness, the brain lies. Stops noticing— irrelevant things. Truth never matters. Only fitness.
We’re not thinking machines, we’re—we’re feeling machines that happen to think

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