Víkendové surfovanie

Viete, ako to tu funguje, nájdite si tie svoje:

Out of many, one

Sourdough, Status, and Self-Isolation

When we emerge from this new normal, when we come blinking out into the sunlight, we will find that society has bifurcated into two distinct tribes. There will be a healthy, fit, self-fulfilled elite whose kids have received a better education than they could possibly have got crammed into overcrowded public schools. And then there will be those who barely scraped by financially, are physically and emotionally exhausted, and whose kids spent a great deal of time texting their friends, playing video games, or watching Netflix. 

Z opery na kasu. Deník hudebnice, kterou koronavirus připravil o práci

Dopoledne mi šéf říká: „No vidíte, kasa vám vychází, jste čím dál rychlejší a storno už skoro nepotřebujete, to se ani nemusíte vracet do toho tralala.“

hmm… Apple and Google are launching a joint COVID-19 tracing tool for iOS and Android

The system works by assigning a random, rotating identifier to a person’s phone and transmitting it via Bluetooth to nearby devices. That identifier, which rotates every 15 minutes and contains no personally identifiable information, will pass through a simple relay server that can be run by health organizations worldwide.

to isté ešte raz vizuálne (dobre spravené)

bez contact tracing-u sa nepohneme, ale samozrejme toto:

The current rush towards contact tracing apps is at risk of framing COVID-19 exposure as an exclusively technical problem, therefore privileging technological expertise as the single site of improvement. The number of issues being opened in this thread that are of a technical nature, confirms that this is happening. We are calling for an expanded, careful discussion on the design and implementation of contact tracing apps. We need to take into account the complex differing social relations, and this discussion needs to involve various voices, not just those of governments, engineers, epidemiologists and other authorities.

If you want to help the world tackle COVID-19, what should you do?

Women are using code words at pharmacies to escape domestic violence during lockdown

So France, inspired by a similar scheme in Spain, has started telling victims to head to drugstores. If they can’t talk openly in the store, they can simply say the codeword “mask 19” to the pharmacist behind the counter.

FRI tlačí štíty pre zdravotníkov a zdravotníčky. Môžete im pomôcť príspevkom na náplne do 3D tlačiarní.


Ministerstvo školstva sprístupnilo učiteľom a rodičom digitálne učebnice zadarmo, login: ucebnica@iedu.sk, heslo: ucebnica

Statistical “Which Character” Personality Quiz

Dr. Seuss + Dr. Dre =

Dyson engineers have designed these challenges specifically for children

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