life in progress

Matematika kolotočov a roller-coasterov

Tento týždeň som bola na konferencii vo Švédsku o tom, ako učiť inžinierov matematiku. Zaujímavé, miestami inšpiratívne, takže cesta stála za to, aj keď som nezostala úplne do konca (aby som sa stihla vrátiť na Kikin posledný prvácky školský deň). Jednu z prednášok mala Ann-Marie Pendrill. Učí prvákov fyziku a na začiatku semestra ich berie do miestneho zábavného parku Lisberg. Rozdelia…


A Mathematician’s Apology

By G. H. Hardy, 1940, 153 pages, partial text, amazon I propose to put forward an apology for mathematics; and I may be told that it needs none, since there are now few studies more generally recognized, for good reason or bad, as profitable or priceworthy… A mathematician does need not now consider himself on the defensive… The public does…


Does God Play Dice?

By Ian Stewart, 1989, 317 pages, partial text, amazon This is a book about chaos. Not the chaos you have in your closet after three years of not cleaning it up but the mathematical chaos. And it is written with almost no equations at all, which makes it highly readable for non-mathematicians, but leaves the mathematicians somewhat hungry by not…
