life in progress

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nová budova v Amsterdame – zblízka sa mi páči, z diaľky nie, vyzerá ako zbombardovaná Gun deaths were the leading killer of US children in 2020 (Dobre, v 2020 sa jazdilo menej, zaujímavé bude pozrieť čísla za 2021, ale aj tak… Kika s Kubom majú raz za mesiac v škole shelter-in-place cvičný poplach… ďalší do zbierky dôvodov, prečo ísť odtiaľto preč. Nechcem,…


Hrabanie sa v databáze

Ako učiteľka s dvoma malými deťmi nie som v lete v práci veľa. A keď som, tak je v nej pokoj a dá sa robiť na veciach, ku ktorým sa človek inokedy nedostane. Áno, áno, mala by som robiť na článku, ktorý nám zamietli a teda ho musíme prerobiť, alebo na tom druhom, kde nám v prvom kole na presubmission…


Víkendové surfovanie

Seven ways the world is not designed for women How Breast Size Affects How Women Exercise The results were consistent and rather worrying. As women’s breast sizes grew, their participation in physical activity declined, particularly if that exercise was vigorous. Few very-large-breasted women jogged, for example. Viagra Might Relieve Period Cramps, but Male Pharmaceutical Execs Don’t Care When Viagra —…


Víkendové surfovanie

Včera vo veku 40 rokov na rakovinu zomrela Maryam Mirzakhani, matematička iránskeho pôvodu, jediná žena, ktorá dostala Fieldsovu medailu (keď sa dávali naposledy, v roku 2014). Mala českého manžela a malú dcéru. To her dismay, Mirzakhani did poorly in her mathematics class that year. Her math teacher didn’t think she was particularly talented, which undermined her confidence. At that age, “it’s…


Víkendové surfovanie

Melinda Gates: Current data is sexist and To close the gender gap, we have to close the data gap first write less code but the best code is no code at all. Every new line of code you willingly bring into the world is code that has to be debugged, code that has to be read and understood, code that…


Víkendové surfovanie

žalujem… moja manželka pribudla do štatistík a ešte rozhovor s autorom the blackest material in the world the return of the DIY abortion In other words, there appear to have been some missing pregnancies in parts of the country where it was hardest to get an abortion. data science of the facebook world I have to say that as I look…


Víkendové surfovanie

keď prasknete vzduchový balón pod vodou: a balón s vodou na vzduchu: (zaujímavé, že chvíľku trvá, kým gravitácia “zafunguje”) A Sydney mother’s stand against homework Free play is usually the first activity to be pushed down the priority list. It’s infuriatingly unstructured. It can’t be scheduled within neat half-hour blocks.  It relies on the alchemy of a couple of kids,…
