life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

síce pár rokov starý článok, ale aj tak oči-otvárajúci: Milgram’s “Obedience to Authority” Replicates Stanley’s Milgram‘s “Obedience to Authority” experiments are doubly famous.  First, he supposedly showed that most Americans would shock a total stranger to death because an authority told them to do so. Second, his experiment was widely perceived as emotionally abusive – so widely, in fact, that…

Musia byť ženy nahé?

Víkendové surfovanie

svet by mohol byť krajší (video, od Didiho) nemožné (video, od Mirečka) globálne otepľovanie (video) musia byť ženy nahé, aby sa dostali do múzea? Je veľa dôvodov, prečo by Bachmanová nemala byť americkou prezidentkou, ale toto nie je jeden z nich: Rival presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s Iowa coalitions director, Jamie Johnson, sent out an email saying that children’s lives would be…
