life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

bitcoin a iné kryptomeny – dobre napísané (v piatok som mala o nich debatu aj s prvákmi na informatike… a nie, ja som ju nezačala) rozhovor so Zuzanou Límovou, ktorá natočila film o slovenských pôrodniciach, k tomu táto hrôza  Nebudem vám rozprávať o nepeknom prostredí či starom zariadení, lebo cez to sa človek prenesie. Čo ale riešite, je zúfalstvo, že s vami nikto…


Víkendové surfovanie

New antibody attacks 99% of HIV strains 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to LIGO Black Hole Researchers Swedish model gets rape threats over Adidas advert Why? All because the photo shows her leg hair. včera večer sme pozerali zaujímavý film, vrelo odporúčam (h/t Ivovi):


Víkendové surfovanie

What a Dad Cooks for His Two Very Hungry Boys in a Week The Week My Husband Left And My House Was Burgled I Secured A Grant To Begin The Project That Became BRCA1 obrovské vlny (h/t Diana Oliveira, ktorá je kúsok odtiaľ): gömböc alebo prečo má korytnačka taký tvar, aký má first round – 10 years companies with a…


Víkendové surfovanie

aby ste videli túto stránku, musíte byť offline The truth behind Facebook AI inventing a new language (píše môj bratranec) Nothing scary, shocking or even note-worthy happened. Just a regular day with a regular scientific experiment. And then all hell broke loose as wanna-be journalists posted one doomsday article after another. Shutting down a chat bot when it stops showing a…


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Včera vo veku 40 rokov na rakovinu zomrela Maryam Mirzakhani, matematička iránskeho pôvodu, jediná žena, ktorá dostala Fieldsovu medailu (keď sa dávali naposledy, v roku 2014). Mala českého manžela a malú dcéru. To her dismay, Mirzakhani did poorly in her mathematics class that year. Her math teacher didn’t think she was particularly talented, which undermined her confidence. At that age, “it’s…


Víkendové surfovanie

Greetings, E.T. (Please Don’t Murder Us.) The anti-METI movement is predicated on a grim statistical likelihood: If we do ever manage to make contact with another intelligent life-form, then almost by definition, our new pen pals will be far more advanced than we are. The best way to understand this is to consider, on a percentage basis, just how young…


Wonder women

Wonder Women od Sam Maggs  Táto kniha je skôr pre Kiku, keď raz začne poriadne čítať po anglicky, ale ja som si ju celkom s radosťou preletela. Sú to kid-friendly krátke životopisy 25 žien (plus spomína zhruba 25 ďalších), ktoré boli vedkyne, lekárky, špiónky, vynálezkyne a cestovateľky. Zaujímavé na tom je, že som z nich poznala len dve a Marie…


Víkendové surfovanie

A love story – úžasné When we encounter a mother doing too many things perfectly, smiling as if it were all so easy, so natural, we should feel a civic responsibility to slap her hard across the face and scream the word “Stop!” so many times that the woman begins to chant or whimper the word along with us. Once…


Víkendové surfovanie

our mothers as we never saw them The old photos of her are even more compelling than the stories because they’re a historical record, carrying the weight of fact, even if the truth there is slippery: the trick of an image, and so much left outside the frame. These photos serve as a visual accompaniment to the myths. Because any…


Víkendové surfovanie

výborné video delenia buniek (time lapse video of the cells in a tadpole egg dividing over a period of 33 hours) woman facts Once women who lived unconventional lives were seized as witches and burned. Now people just say to them, “You look tired.” – – – Large numbers of women can be caught by baiting a trap with a…
