life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

How Google Got Its Employees to Eat Their Vegetables Over the past five years, the company has taken a typically Google-ish approach to the food it serves — methodical, iterative — to create the largest and most ambitious real-world test of how to nudge people to make healthier choices at mealtime. The evolution of trust (časť sme skúšali aj s…


Víkendové surfovanie

#girlpower trochu inak The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation having kids How to Stop Freaking Out and Tackle Climate Change The first step is the key to all the rest. Yes, our daily lives are undoubtedly contributing to climate change. But that’s because the rich and powerful have constructed systems that make it nearly impossible to live lightly on the…


Víkendové surfovanie

pozvánka (vstup voľný): Former Go champion retires after declaring AI invincible “With the debut of AI in Go games, I’ve realized that I’m not at the top even if I become the number one through frantic efforts,” Lee told Yonhap. “Even if I become the number one, there is an entity that cannot be defeated.” Saková ženám nemá radiť, aby…


Víkendové surfovanie

Milí muži… Je to pořád dokola. Kdykoliv se u nás objeví nějaké významnější výročí, existuje jen jediná jistota: že ho budou interpretovat muži. Když se loni slavilo sto let od založení Československa, vypadalo to spíš jako povídání o české (nikoliv československé), bílé a mužské republice. Letos si pro změnu připomínáme „třicet let českého kapitalismu“ a průvodci českého vývoje po roce…


Víkendové surfovanie

môj brat v novinách Angela Merkelová o páde Berlínskeho múru The different life experiences in eastern and western Germany are a reality. We should talk more about that and try harder to understand each other. … a ešte niečo navyše ku quantum supremacy The Importance of Feelings Photographer Spent Days Waiting For Museum Visitors To Match The Artworks They Observe,…


Víkendové surfovanie

What I Don’t Tell My Students About ‘The Husband Stitch’ “He is not a bad man, and that, I realize suddenly, is the root of my hurt,” the narrator says. “He is not a bad man at all. To describe him as evil or wicked or corrupted would be a deep disservice to him. And yet — ” Machado is teaching us…


Víkendové surfovanie

toto video sa deťom páčilo: pomôžte nám nazbierať dáta o preklepoch pre neurónovú sieť: minútovka k neurónkam ešte artbreeder  ako predýchať šestonedelie Keď mal Hugo tri týždne, sedela som na posteli, plakala od bolesti, únavy, samoty a pocitu márnosti. Prikladala som dieťa k svojmu boľavému prsníku s ragádami na bradavkách, ruky zatínala v päste, nohou búchala do zeme a –…


Letno-búrkové surfovanie

Plán bol, že dnes ráno sa vyvezieme do Snilovského sedla, prejdeme po hrebeni, prespíme na Chate pod Suchým a zajtra zídeme do Strečna. Ráno lialo. Keď som vstala, začalo hrmieť, predpoveď nevyzerala o nič lepšie… tak sme výlet smutne zrušili a lenivo sa povaľovali doma. Skúsime inokedy. fotky a zážitky z iného výletu    Niekto odrezal soche na Javorine ruky….


Slnovratové surfovanie

Hong Kong Protesters Return to the Streets The Winners Of The National Geographic Travel Photo Contest Psychology and the Good Life An AI Completes an Unfinished Composition 115 Years After Composer’s Death This November, the Prague Philharmonic will perform the third and final movement of “From the Future World,” an AI-completed composition based on an unfinished piano piece by the…
