life in progress

Heather Cox Richardson o Dni matiek

z článku: But “Mothers’ Day” actually started in the 1870s, when the sheer enormity of the death caused by the Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War convinced writer and reformer Julia Ward Howe that women must take control of politics from the men who had permitted such carnage. Mothers’ Day was not designed to encourage people to be nice to…


Ona našla Verity skôr

Už sme veľakrát boli rozcestovaní tak, že nebola celá rodina v jednej krajine. Niekoľkokrát sme boli aj tak, že deti boli v jednej a dospelí v inej (Japonsko, USA, Malajzia, Taliansko), ale teraz je prvýkrát, keď sme 2+1+1. Ja s Kubom udržiaveme rodinný kozub, Mišo sa išiel pracovne na otočku previezť do New Yorku a Kika je na školskom výlete…


Víkendové surfovanie

Have you ever: Mammogram edition What I want is ridiculous: I want all of it, all at once. To be full of baby, waiting. To hold my baby for the first time, labor complete. To lie on a trampoline in a warm October sun with the man who will become my husband. To watch the toddler stagger away from me….
