life in progress


Naša posledná dovolenková zastávka bola na ranči v Novom Tekove. Tam mala Kika na tri dni dohodnutý kurz jazdenia. My ostatní sme zatiaľ robili iné: minigolf, tenis, na striedačku biliard s Kubom (ten má na biliard nekonečnú kapacitu)… Raz sme išli s Kubom na požičaných bicykloch ako doprovod, keď išiel Mišo behať, ale veľmi sa nám to nepáčilo (na ceste…


Víkendové surfovanie

Yuval Noah Harari: Lessons from a year of Covid Even if all our data is accurate and reliable, we should always ask: “What do we count? Who decides what to count? How do we evaluate the numbers against each other?” This is a political rather than scientific task. It is politicians who should balance the medical, economic and social considerations and…



the really big one Compressional waves are fast-moving, high-frequency waves, audible to dogs and certain other animals but experienced by humans only as a sudden jolt. They are not very harmful, but they are potentially very useful, since they travel fast enough to be detected by sensors thirty to ninety seconds ahead of other seismic waves. That is enough time…


Víkendové surfovanie

bicykel naopak: Sheila Kizinger zomrela …she said: “The romantic image of a radiant mother, a beautiful baby in her arms, her golden hair lit by the sun’s rays, displayed on the jackets of many birth books is far removed from reality. “New mothers are often unhappy. This major life transition is made incredibly difficult by poverty, poor housing, overcrowding, and…

Najprv ho bolo treba poskladať

Prvá nehnuteľnosť, prvé vozidlo

Kika mala práve tretie narodeniny a pri tej príležitosti dostala svoje prvé vozidlo. Štvorkolesové. Potešilo ju to, lebo už dlhšie pozorne sledovala všetky deti na bicykloch, ktoré sa vyskytli v dohľade. Ale ešte musíme dotrénovať krútenie pedálmi. Bola aj torta. Na ňu som najprv dala iba dve sviečky a keď sa to Kike nezdalo, tak som pridala aj tretiu.    …
