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o histórii manželstva

In the first Christian centuries marriage had been a strictly private arrangement. As late as the 10th century, the essential part of the wedding itself took place outside the church door. It was not until the 12th century that a priest became part of the wedding ceremony, and not until the 13th century that he actually took charge of the proceedings.

TrekEarth – učenie sa o svete cez fotky

mathematician’s survival guide

takéto a takéto tričko si musím spraviť

pohrajte sa s reklamami pre deti

zaujímavý projekt – fotky mužov a žien, ktorí si vymenili šaty a postoje

Ani DiFranco: Amendment

burka vs bikini (aj diskusia stojí za prečítanie):

Burka a bikini

ako veľké spoločnosti zisťujú vaše tajomstvá a komentár Felixa Salmona

Andrew Pole had just started working as a statistician for Target in 2002, when two colleagues from the marketing department stopped by his desk to ask an odd question: “If we wanted to figure out if a customer is pregnant, even if she didn’t want us to know, can you do that?”

galéria obrázkov, ako sa vyvíjali balenia antikoncepčných tabletiek

ženy nie sú dobytok

Rep. Deborah Mell, a Chicago Democrat, was one of the two members voting against the bills and criticized the assignment to a committee that generally handles farming issues. “We’re not talking about abortions for cows and pigs, right? We’re talking about women?” she said.

The Agriculture Committee is dominated by downstate conservatives, and by assigning the bills there Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan assured the measures would be heard by sympathetic legislators.

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