life in progress

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in praise of mediocrity But there’s a deeper reason, I’ve come to think, that so many people don’t have hobbies: We’re afraid of being bad at them. Or rather, we are intimidated by the expectation — itself a hallmark of our intensely public, performative age — that we must actually be skilled at what we do in our free time….


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Carve the mark – nová kniha od Veroniky Roth, ktorá napísala trilógiu Divergent; sci-fi s no-nonsense hlavnou hrdinkou (tie sa ťažko hľadajú)… zaujímavé čítanie, aj keď miestami trochu problematické keď už odkazujem na Amazon, tak ešte jedna útla knižočka, ktorá sa týka akcie, ktorú spoluorganizujem literárne mapy nášho detstva If I ruled the world, or at least a publishing company,…


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nedávno som hľadala príklad na nenewtonovskú tekutinu a našla som oobleck (dá sa po ňom aj behať): aj toto je poézia And I noticed my new best friend—by now we were holding hands— Had a potted plant poking out of her bag, some medicinal thing, With green furry leaves. Such an old country traveling tradition. Always Carry a plant. Always stay rooted…

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Víkendové surfovanie

she who dies with the most ‘likes’ wins? When Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg gave a TED talk in 2010, one of the issues she talked about – and later expounded on in her 2011 commencement speech at Barnard—was likability. “Success and likability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women,” she said. This isn’t news to feminists, so what I…
