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Natural parenting

predpovedanie budúcnosti

– When will a general purpose computer be small enough to be implanted inside your brain? 2030. Based on the continual shrinking of computers, by 2030 an entire computer will be the size of a pencil eraser, which would be easy to implant.

– When will a general purpose computer be able to simulate human level intelligence? Between 2024 and 2050, depending on which estimate of the complexity of human intelligence is selected, and the number of computers used to simulate it.

dĺžka kódu v rôznych jazykoch (Rosetta Code)

the people’s bailout

Now OWS is launching the ROLLING JUBILEE, a program that has been in development for months. OWS is going to start buying distressed debt (medical bills, student loans, etc.) in order to forgive it. As a test run, we spent $500, which bought $14,000 of distressed debt. We then ERASED THAT DEBT.(If you’re a debt broker, once you own someone’s debt you can do whatever you want with it — traditionally, you hound debtors to their grave trying to collect. We’re playing a different game. A MORE AWESOME GAME.)

sex-selective abortions?

Do I fight misogyny? Hell, yes! But I will not make someone else’s body my battle ground.

Being pro-choice does not mean that I always approve of someone else’s choices. It means that I believe my approval, or lack, thereof, is irrelevant. It isn’t my body. It isn’t my life. Therefore it isn’t my decision. I don’t believe that anyone should be forced to continue a pregnancy or give birth based on my personal ethics. Because no matter how sound I think my ideals may be, I don’t have to live with the effects of that pregnancy. Nor do I have to deal with the consequences. The consequences being a child.

hackovanie z feministických dôvodov

It’s annoying and awkward, to put it mildly, having to do gender-translation on the fly when Maya asks me to read what it says on the screen. You can pick your character’s name, of course – I always stick with Link, being a traditionalist – but all of the dialog insists that Link is a boy, and there’s apparently nothing to be done about it.

Well, there wasn’t anything to be done about it, certainly not anything easy, but as you might imagine I’m not having my daughter growing up thinking girls don’t get to be the hero and rescue their little brothers.

najlepšie tohtoročné obrázky pod mikroskopom

začala som hovoriť dcéram, že som krásna

I don’t want my girls to be children who are perfect and then, when they start to feel like women, they remember how I thought of myself as ugly and so they will be ugly too. They will get older and their breasts will lose their shape and they will hate their bodies, because that’s what women do. That’s what mommy did. I want them to become women who remember me modeling impossible beauty. Modeling beauty in the face of a mean world, a scary world, a world where we don’t know what to make of ourselves.

“Look at me, girls!” I say to them. “Look at how beautiful I am. I feel really beautiful, today.”

a ešte pri príležitosti štrajku učiteľov toto

Otázka od istého novinára FICOVI : /WEBnoviny 17.2.2012/
Čo považujete za najväčšiu prednosť Slovenska?
Ficova odpoveď :
Miernu povaha ľudí, ktorí žijú na Slovensku z hľadiska sociálnej výdrže. Nechceli mi veriť kolegovia, premiéri a premiérky, keď som chodil na európsku radu, že na Slovensku je bežný dôchodok 280 €. Nechceli mi veriť, že vo firme človek zarába 450 €. Povedali mi, že to je nemožné z takého niečoho vyžiť. Práve schopnosť ľudí žiť z nízkych príjmov, postarať sa o svoje rodiny aj za cenu, že títo ľudia robia často v dvoch, troch zamestnaniach, to je prednosť Slovenska. Sme podstatne životaschopnejší ako sú Francúzi, Španieli, Portugalci. Máme pred nimi náskok. Keby takáto situácia padla Španielom, že majú žiť z 300 alebo 400 €, tak asi zapália krajinu, ale naši ľudia žijú a idú ďalej. Toto je naša prednosť. A preto aj keď prídu ťažké časy, tak podstatne jednoduchšie ťažké časy prežijú krajiny ako je Slovensko.


  1. Komentare uz zase funguju, tak ako treba. To, ze boli docasne uzavrete nebol zamer, iba chybicka se vloudila.

    Feel free to discuss. Ja este vlozim zaciatok debaty, co prisiel vcera vecer cez skype a dufam, ze Katka dokonci

  2. Ja som sa len chcela spytat, co ta viedlo k spomenutiu clanku “the people’s bailout”. Paci, nepaci, blbost, klamstvo, genialne?

    1. people’s bailout ma jednoducho zaujal… podla mna ako myslienka to je vtipne… otazka je ci to ma sancu v nejakej vacsej mierke fungovat (podla mna nie, napr ci im casom este stale niekto bude ochotny tie dlhy predavat) a aj keby malo, tak ci je to dobre (to podla mna zavisi od situacie k situacii a kto je ten povolany, aby to sudil?)… co si o tom myslis ty?

      1. Ten clanok je strasna kravina. Ako inak, zacneme tym, ze co si ti ludia/firmy, ktori pozicali peniaze dovoluju, ze chcu aby im dlznici dlh splatili (“you hound debtors to their grave trying to collect”). Teda, drzost. Ako by to asi vypadalo vo svete, kde by dlznici nemuseli splatit? Asi by nikto nepoziciaval a boli by sme na tom vsetci horsie.

        Pokracujeme uplne vymyslenym cislom, ze za $500 budeme schopni kupovat dlh v nominalnej hodnote $14.000. Aby to vyzeralo doveryhodnejsie, tak napiseme, ze “program is in development for months”. Na dlh $14.000 im staci jeden clovek – ak sa zameriavaju na student loans, tak skolne na jeden rok nasobne prevysuje tuto ciastku na vacsine univerzit; pri medical bills sume $14.000 takisto nie je vysoka – a instituciu, ktora dotycnemu pozicala. Ak je to ta institucia ochotna predat za $500, musi si mysliet, ze pravdepodobnost, ze to ten dotycny splati, je uplne miziva. Ok, dajme tomu. Ale na zaklade coho potom extrapolujeme tohto jedneho cloveka a jednu instituciu na vsetkych ostatnych?

        No a veta “The return on your investment approaches 30:1. That’s a crazy bargain!” ma neskutocne, ale neskutocne vytocila. WTF???? Ak niekto takto rozumie financiam a matematike, tak mu nezverim ani halier.

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