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“Outlander” is the feminist answer to “Game Of Thrones” — And men should be watching it – pozreli sme si prvý diel a budeme pozerať aj ďalšie; kniha ma už čaká v Kindle

But back in 1991, it was marketed as a romance — a designation, as author Diana Gabaldon told BuzzFeed, to which she agreed to only at the urging of her agent, who told her that a science fiction best-seller was 50,000 copies…while a romance best-seller was more like 500,000. But Gabaldon, who worked as a scientist while crafting complicated, genre-bending narratives in her spare time, exacted a promise from the publisher: If the book became “visible” (e.g., it made its way to the New York Times best-sellers list), then they would re-situate it as “general fiction.”

in the details of yes – toto!

Besides sucking at the practice of No,  I am also incompetant at balance.   Personally I think balance is a pot of crap anyway, an illusion.  It’s really a practice of swaying in every direction while still knowing where the center is. Even if you stop by it only once in a while to take a big breath in or out or both, you know how to get there. I am also an expert in getting lost. Which isn’t always bad, but not always good either.  I tend to just lean all the way over to one edge until I fall so deep into the mystery, chucking the compass out the door, flying endless until exhausted or landing on a dirt road of a place I never expected to be. This is all fine. Until it’s not.

so you think you can dance? veľmi sa mi páči, ako tí chalani tancujú spolu, že je tam emócia, spolupráca, kostými, aké by sme možno čakali na ženách… skladba sa volá Wave


Paderewski and Hoover

pero, ktoré kreslí 3D

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