
Najprv na tému posledných týždňov: Tá kniha… tak tá kniha je už vonku z hlavy. Nie je ešte na papieri, ale v nedeľu v noci… hm, no dobre, v pondelok nad ránom… sme ju odovzdali. Teraz ju pozerá editor a nám zostali také milé činnosti ako doladiť obálku, vyrobiť index, škrípať zubami, koľko chýb tam ešte ostalo… hm, a pustiť sa do tej druhej, ktorá má vyliezť na svetlo do konca roka. 

Are Kids the Enemy of Writing?

Writing was a practice. The more you wrote, the better a writer you became and the more books you produced. Excellence plus productivity, that was the formula for sustained success, and time was the coefficient of both. Children, the great man said, were notorious thieves of time. Then there was the question of subject matter, settings, experiences; books were hungry things, and if you stayed too long in any one place, they would consume everything and everyone around you.

pretože (tento článkok sa volá What Do We Do with the Art of Monstrous Men? a je v ňom ešte kopa iných vecí)

There are many qualities one must possess to be a working writer or artist. Talent, brains, tenacity. Wealthy parents are good. You should definitely try to have those. But first among equals, when it comes to necessary ingredients, is selfishness. A book is made out of small selfishnesses. The selfishness of shutting the door against your family. The selfishness of ignoring the pram in the hall. The selfishness of forgetting the real world to create a new one. The selfishness of stealing stories from real people. The selfishness of saving the best of yourself for that blank-faced anonymous paramour, the reader. The selfishness that comes from simply saying what you have to say.

Moms don’t need more mugs and wine glasses – neskoro, ale aj tak:

And there you have it, what moms would love on the big day: Get out of her hair (if the kids are little), spend time with her (if you’re a teen, but be sure to smile), and track her down in Greece (if you’re an adult). Moms are forged through the bubbling lava of no sleep, kindergarten graduations, slammed doors and 2 a.m. calls that begin, “I crashed the car, but I’m okay.”

planet or plastic?

Because plastic wasn’t invented until the late 19th century, and production really only took off around 1950, we have a mere 9.2 billion tons of the stuff to deal with. Of that, more than 6.9 billion tons have become waste. And of that waste, a staggering 6.3 billion tons never made it to a recycling bin.

Who is Losing the Nile?

175 meters high and 1800 meters wide, the new dam’s storage capacity is 67 billion cubic meters, nearly the equivalent of a year’s flow of river water.

čo ak sa na telefóne stretnú dve takého:

Potom by už nemuseli telefonovať a mohli by si to vybaviť inak… začína to byť strašidelné. A ešte z inej strany, mali by sme vedieť, že tá entita na druhej strane telefónu nie je človek, keď zdvihneme? 

Tri – dva – jedna. Všetky oči na mňa.

Predstavte si, že máte stroj času. Predstavte si, že ste opäť dieťa a doma nemáte svoju izbu, stôl, na ktorom by ste sa učili. Nemáte tečúcu vodu, ani jednu knihu, vaši rodičia nevedia čítať. Predstavte si, že so všetkými súrodencami, s rodičmi a so starými rodičmi bývate v jednej miestnosti. Proste si predstavte, že by ste sa narodili v rómskej osade. Kde by ste boli dnes? A čo by vám pomohlo?

China, India grapple with the consequences of too many men

In the two countries, 50 million excess males are under age 20. Both nations are belatedly trying to come to grips with the policies that created this male-heavy generation. And demographers say it will take decades for the ramifications of the bulge to fade away.

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pri príležitosti Svetového týždňa rešpektu k pôrodu krátke komentované ukážky z filmu Medzi nami: prvá, druhá, tretia, štvrtá

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