Toni Morrison: Beloved
She is a friend of mind, she gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It’s good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind.
ďalej...imagining objects and moments into existence
She is a friend of mind, she gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It’s good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind.
ďalej...The emotion you don’t truly understand until you have kids isn’t love. It’s rage. Nekričím na študentov a študentky v škole. A to vymýšľajú všeličo, ale neviem si predstaviť, čo by museli spraviť, aby ma vytočili. Je to práca, snažím sa ju robiť dobre. (Je to aj niečo viac ako práca… také naivné dúfanie, že vychovávať pár sto ľudí ročne…
ďalej...And yes, it’s important that their dad is a feminist, because now that’s what they expect of all men. It is absolutely men’s responsibility to fight sexism too. And as spouses and partners and boyfriends, we need to work hard and be deliberate about creating truly equal relationships. zvyšok tu
ďalej...I also feel like we should stop calling feminists ‘feminists’ and just start calling people who aren’t feminist ‘sexist’ — and then everyone else is just a human. You are either a normal person or a sexist. People get a label when they’re bad.
ďalej...Toto som objavila na zadnej strane jednej náhodne vybratej knihy v kníhkupectve: A keď si spomeniem, kvôli čomu som naposledy revala, tak to presne sedí – na niečom mi záležalo a dovolila som si k tomu otvoriť hubu…
ďalej...odtiaľto (zvýraznenie je moje) Most time management advice rests on the unspoken assumption that it’s possible to win the game: to find a slot for everything that matters. But if the game’s designed to be unwinnable, Schulte suggests, you can permit yourself to stop trying. There’s only one viable time management approach left (and even that’s only really an option for…
ďalej...Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes, who has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve. Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that…
ďalej...odtiaľto Faith… the choice to believe in something without proof (and yes, for us, it is a choice)… does not ever work for us. Our heads and hearts simply do not function that way. I know this because I’ve tried to believe, driven myself to ulcers, and failed. Trying to use faith with smart kids is a lot like trying to mix oil…
ďalej...A tu je sľúbený druhý úryvok z knihy Outlander (nechcela som ho mať spolu s tým prvým). Ono totiž okrem všetkých tých chvál treba povedať, že miestami je tá kniha aj dosť drsná. Diana Gabaldon však aj k znásilneniu pristúpila nie práve mainstreamovo. Obeťou nie je žena a zaoberá sa aj dopadom na psychiku a hojením – aj tým psychickým. I…