najprv štyri linky k Olympiáde, ktorá sa práve končí:
ako sa menili bradlá a zostavy na nich od 50tych rokov po súčasnosť:
ako niektorým ľuďom viac záleží na účese ako na zlatej medaile
iný pohľad na olympijské kruhy (len pre pripomenutie – Oceánia je modrá, Európa čierna, Ameriky červené, Afrika žltá a Ázia zelená)
online video produced by NBC in which women competing in various Olympic sports were featured in softcore, fetishist slow-motion highlights, while porn-tastic jazz music played on the soundtrack. It looked like something a testosterone-filled teenager with a DVR would have spliced together for YouTube; instead, it was the official rights holder of the Olympics in the U.S. that produced it.
prečo má autíčko Curiosity, ktoré nedávno pristálo na Marse iba 2-megapixelovú kameru a 8gb pamäte? (len pre porovnanie, dnes sú dostupné telefóny, ktoré majú 8 megapixelov a 64gb)
There’s a popular belief that projects like this are going to be very advanced but there are things that mitigate against that. These designs were proposed in 2004, and you don’t get to propose one specification and then go off and develop something else. 2MP with 8GB of flash [memory] didn’t sound too bad in 2004. But it doesn’t compare well to what you get in an iPhone today.
evakuácia chorého vedca z Antarktídy
But the most famous rescue was of Dr. Jerri Nielsen in 1999. She diagnosed herself with breast cancer and also performed her own biopsy procedure using chemotherapy supplies delivered by parachute from the US Air Force until she could finally be reached.
ako prežiť katastrofu? čo si pripraviť do zásoby? Tento článok mi z nejakého záhadného dôvodu poslal ocino a pripomenul mi tým Survivalblog, na ktorý som kedysi natrafila
Ben Barres had just finished giving a seminar at the prestigious Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research 10 years ago, describing to scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard and other top institutions his discoveries about nerve cells called glia. As the applause died down, a friend later told him, one scientist turned to another and remarked what a great seminar it had been, adding, “Ben Barres’s work is much better than his sister’s.”
There was only one problem. Prof. Barres, then as now a professor of neurobiology at Stanford University, doesn’t have a sister in science. The Barbara Barres the man remembered was Ben. Prof. Barres is transgendered, having completed the treatments that made him fully male 10 years ago. The Whitehead talk was his first as a man, so the research he was presenting was done as Barbara.
trochu súvisí – fotky, pol tváre mužskej, pol ženskej