our mothers as we never saw them
The old photos of her are even more compelling than the stories because they’re a historical record, carrying the weight of fact, even if the truth there is slippery: the trick of an image, and so much left outside the frame. These photos serve as a visual accompaniment to the myths. Because any story about your mother is part myth, isn’t it?
Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science (celá kniha, free)
Paul Lockhart: A Mathematician’s Lament
In fact, if I had to design a mechanism for the express purpose of destroying a child’s natural curiosity and love of pattern-making, I couldn’t possibly do as good a job as is currently being done [by] contemporary mathematics education.
Neuralink (a venture to merge human brain with AI) and The Boring Company – Elon má nejako veľa voľného času…
Seeing theory – výborné, budem ukazovať budúci školský rok prvákom a prváčkam
British food, explained (sorta)
Unless it’s a pie that is a pudding, like a mince pie, which doesn’t involve mince, which is meat that’s been minced, but does involve mincemeat, which doesn’t involve meat. You could put what you think of as pudding on this type of pie, which is a pudding.
slovenské nemocnice nie sú Baby-Friendly (už ani formálne)
Study: Accomplished female scientists often overlooked
One, the composition of the organizing committee matters. I looked at all the neuroimmunology conferences held in 2016 worldwide, and I found that as you approach 50 percent women on the organizing committee, you approach 50 percent female invited speakers. So if you want gender parity in speakers, first you need to include more women in organizing and planning committees. Two, speaking out about gender balance makes a difference.
lyrebird – vytvoria imitáciu vášho hlasu z jednominútovej nahrávky
jahňatá narodené s použitím umelých materníc – fascinujúce, strašidelné, úžasné
kto sponzoruje (slovenské) konferencie pediatrov? Kto by mal? A kto by nemal?
Dievčatá sa o vedu a technológie začínajú zaujímať neskôr, ich záujem prudko klesá