life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

our mothers as we never saw them The old photos of her are even more compelling than the stories because they’re a historical record, carrying the weight of fact, even if the truth there is slippery: the trick of an image, and so much left outside the frame. These photos serve as a visual accompaniment to the myths. Because any…


Víkendové surfovanie

Minulý týždeň sme tu mali celoštátne kolo matematickej olympiády. Dve doobedia počítali, poobede ich bolo treba niekam zobrať. Výlet mi zatrhli (lebo, že vraj sa nedá spoľahnúť na počasie a nechceme improvizovať na poslednú chvíľu), tak som na jedno poobedie vybavila prehliadku mesta (hore na Burianovu vežu, dole do katakomb), ale to olympionikov vôbec nenadchlo. Kolega na druhé poobedie vybavil…


Víkendové surfovanie

The road to superintelligence (na wait, but why? sa nájde aj kopu iných zaujímavých tém) A 15-person startup company called Robotica has the stated mission of “Developing innovative Artificial Intelligence tools that allow humans to live more and work less.” They have several existing products already on the market and a handful more in development. They’re most excited about a seed…
