On social media, privacy is no longer a personal choice
But the results do show that information from your friends on a social network could accurately predict your marital status, location, sexual orientation or political affiliation — information that you may not want anyone to know, let alone in a social network you’re not even on.
kontrast (fotky prezidentov Obamu a Trumpa)
naskenovaný zošit Leonarda da Vinciho (obrázky sú dobré)
a ešte parádne obrázky knižníc
Scientists Edit a Dangerous Mutation From Genes in Human Embryos
What our report said was, once the technical hurdles are cleared, then there will be societal issues that have to be considered and discussions that are going to have to happen. Now’s the time.
young explorers What happens when kids explore the world on their own terms? Jedna z vecí, čo sa stane je, že mi vstávajú dupkom vlasy, keď sa to samé vyberie cez cestu.
najhlbší bazén: On a single breath of air, Guillaume Néry explores the deepest pool in the world in Italy: Y40. The action is filmed on breath hold by his wife Julie Gautier. Pán sa potápa, pani sa potápa A filmuje, ale nedostane sa ani do nadpisu. Ale Kike a Kubovi sa to páčilo.