life in progress

Víkendové surfovanie

How Google Got Its Employees to Eat Their Vegetables Over the past five years, the company has taken a typically Google-ish approach to the food it serves — methodical, iterative — to create the largest and most ambitious real-world test of how to nudge people to make healthier choices at mealtime. The evolution of trust (časť sme skúšali aj s…


Víkendové surfovanie

zopár videí z našich simulácií na pobavenie: dobrý rozhovor s Ivetou Lazorovou Are search queries becoming even more unique? Statistics from Google 20% of searches each day are new or haven’t been completed in the last 6 months what color is the sun? This may sound like a trivial question, but what color is the Sun? Really — I realize…

Kissing sailor

Víkendové surfovanie

interaktívne učenie Thus Mazur begins a class with a student-sourced question, then asks students to think the problem through and commit to an answer, which each records using a handheld device (smartphones work fine), and which a central computer statistically compiles, without displaying the overall tally. If between 30 and 70 percent of the class gets the correct answer (Mazur…

Otec a dcéra

Deň otcov, google a sťažnosti na lampáreň

V nedeľu sme tu mali deň otcov, zhruba pred mesiacom deň matiek a ja som z nich obidvoch tak trochu (dosť) znechutená. V prvom rade, čo s tým má google? V nedeľu na ich hlavnej stránke bolo toto logo (v rámci google doodles, ktoré pripomínajú špeciálne dni). Písmeno l nahrádza kravata. Ktorá má symbolizovať otca? To čo otca robí otcom?…
