Thus Mazur begins a class with a student-sourced question, then asks students to think the problem through and commit to an answer, which each records using a handheld device (smartphones work fine), and which a central computer statistically compiles, without displaying the overall tally. If between 30 and 70 percent of the class gets the correct answer (Mazur seeks controversy), he moves on to peer instruction. Students find a neighbor with a different answer and make a case for their own response. Each tries to convince the other… After two or three minutes, the students vote again, and typically the percentage of correct answers dramatically improves. Then the cycle repeats.
o tejto fotke (The selective blindness of rape culture)
bezpečnostné inštrukcie v lietadle trochu inak (h/t zuz)
ďalšia dobrá “what if?” esej od autora xkcd – What if everyone actually had only one soul mate, a random person somewhere in the world?
filter rakovinových buniek inováciou roka (zľahka súvisí: takto si niekedy pripadám)
sveter s netradičným vzorom – rozkladom na prvočísla
čo robiť, keď všetci vaši priatelia začnú mať bábätká – ruská fotografka fotila spiace páry počas tehotenstva
Ja som vcelku tolerantný človek. Ale násilie voči deťom, mladým dievčatám? Keby bolo po mojom, tak vinníci by v týchto prípadoch nielen zaplatili za to, čo urobili, ale by pritom museli trpieť. Kanaďanka Amanda Todd spáchala samovraždu kvôli chlapíkovi, s ktorým sa zoznámila na internete a ktorý ju potom prenasledoval. Dvaja učitelia v Californii sexuálne zneužívali Kristen Cunnane od jej 12tich rokov, jedného za to odsúdili, druhý spáchal samovraždu, ale súd rozhodol aj o tom, že Kristen si za svoje znásilnenie môže sama. (WTF?) Pakistanská matka kyselinou zabila svoju 15-ročnú dcéru, pretože tá sa pozerala na chlapca.
A ešte zopár liniek pri príležitosti tohtotýždňových amerických prezidentských volieb:
Prezident Obama a deti (fotky)
Prezident Obama odpovedá dievčaťu, ktoré má dvoch otcov
“If you were me and you had two dads that loved each other and kids at school teased you about it, what would you do?” And guess what! Obama wrote Sophia back. His advice: “A good rule is to treat others the way you hope they will treat you. Remind your friends at school about this rule if they say something that hurts your feelings.”
ženy sú nová väčšina (ešte jedno ďakujem pre Zuz)
But in this election, it became abundantly clear that women’s issues are not fringe issues, and women are not a special interest group. Instead it was women who cast the bulk of the votes this election – 53%, and women who proved the deciding factor, breaking in Barack Obama’s favour by 11 percentage points.
čo vie google o prezidentských voľbách
Political insight: people lie to pollsters, and probably on Facebook. But not to Google’s search bar