life in progress

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Meryl Streep je výborná: Sara Bareilles tiež: why mom’s time is different from dad’s time (Wall Street Journal) They found that while leisure time went a long way toward relaxing fathers, it did far less to subdue anxiety in mothers. So what, you may ask, did calm the mothers. Simple: Seeing their husbands make a bigger effort to reduce the pandemonium in…


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V poslednej dobe som natrafila na kopu work-life balance článkov, ale veľa z nich sa mi zdá nanič. Toto je naopak jeden z tých, ktoré stoja za prečítanie. a problem of all people–the economy, stupid–is turned into a problem of women. And when women can’t magically solve this problem, any choice they make is given a negative moral weight. The…


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The Sad, Beautiful Fact That We’re All Going To Miss Almost Everything If “well-read” means “not missing anything,” then nobody has a chance. If “well-read” means “making a genuine effort to explore thoughtfully,” then yes, we can all be well-read. But what we’ve seen is always going to be a very small cup dipped out of a very big ocean,…


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po víkende bez internetu len takto stručne: keď už aj PhD comics je o rodičovstve:   the tree with the apple tattoo o snehových vločkách nechcem, aby bol môj škôlkar gentleman – komentáre? Free your workers, Yahoo! Once upon a time, we lived in a world where men engaged in paid work and women stayed home and took care of…

Asimov's business card

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za komunistov sme sa mali lepšie…? (ale chýba tam bývanie) rock’n rollová mapa Manhattanu #NOTBUYINGIT: The Problem Is Far Bigger Than Audi’s #BraveryWins At some point during the evening, the German company Audi debuted a PSA arguing against bodily autonomy, with some pretty transparent product placement snuck in… How would your feelings have changed if the boy hadn’t been thin, white,…


Nancy Pelosi o veku a ženách v kongrese

Keď sa jej Luke Russert na tlačovej konferencii spýtal, či nie je čas uvoľniť miesto mladším (video stojí za pozretie): Let’s for the moment honor it as a legitimate question although it’s quite offensive but you don’t realize it I guess. The fact is that everything that I have done in my almost decade now of leadership is to elect younger…


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Nielenže nestíham písať, čo sa mi preháňa hlavou, nestíham ani len čítať, čo mám naškrečkované v bookmarks. Toto som mala odložené ešte od februára a natrafila som na to pri dnešnom upratovaní: Milý Oskar, aj ženy majú príbehy In the highlights of [great] movies from the past few decades, there wasn’t a single clip of a woman doing something that…


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skutočné filmy – zoznam najlepších dokumentárnych, inštruktážnych, … jednoducho non-fiction filmov 200 rokov chirurgie It would take a little while for surgeons to discover that the use of anesthesia allowed them time to be meticulous. Despite the advantages of anesthesia, Liston, like many other surgeons, proceeded in his usual lightning-quick and bloody way. Spectators in the operating-theater gallery would still…


Michelle Obama o materstve

Pôvodne som myslela, že tieto dva citáty z rozhovoru z Michelle Obamovou sem dám len tak, bez komentára, ako som to už párkrát s citátmi urobila. Ale nedá mi ich tu dať spolu a nepoznamenať, že blízky mi je iba jeden z nich (ten druhý). Na tomto prvom mi vadí to, čo som už tu a tam spomínala – že (vo všeobecnosti) sa…
