Víkendové surfovanie

ako niektorí ľudia vidia dĺžku sukne

Dĺžka sukne

a tu je odpoveď, čo s tým: povinné čítanie na tento týždeň

break the chain:

je hymnou hnutia One Billion Rising:

keby boli knihy Dr Seussa nazvané ako akademické články (výrazne vtipnejšie, ak tie knihy aj poznáte)

Biely dom odpovedá na petíciu, aby USA postavili Death Star z Hviezdnych vojen (skutočná odpoveď 🙂 )

  • The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We’re working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.
  • The Administration does not support blowing up planets.
  • Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?

Aaron Swartz spáchal samovraždu. Mal 26 rokov. Keď mal 14, pomáhal pri vývoji RSS štandardu. Bol jedným zo zakladateľov Reddit-u a veľkým zástancom voľne prístupných informácií (čakal ho súd za to, že z databázy JSTOR stiahol milióny článkov a plánoval ich voľne sprístupniť). Jedno jeho staršie vyjadrenie o ženách v technických komunitách:

Philipp Lenssen: Can you give some examples of misogyny or racism?

Aaron Swartz: If you talk to any woman in the tech community, it won’t be long before they start telling you stories about disgusting, sexist things guys have said to them. It freaks them out; and rightly so. As a result, the only women you see in tech are those who are willing to put up with all the abuse.

I really noticed this when I was at foo camp once, Tim O’Reilly’s exclusive gathering for the elite of the tech community. The executive guys there, when they thought nobody else was around, talked about how they always held important business meetings at strip clubs and the deficiencies of programmers from various countries.

Meanwhile, foo camp itself had a session on discrimination in which it was explained to us that the real problem was not racism or sexism, but simply the fact that people like to hang out with others who are like themselves.

The denial about this in the tech community is so great that sometimes I despair of it ever getting fixed. And I should be clear, it’s not that there are just some bad people out there who are being prejudiced and offensive. Many of these people that I’m thinking of are some of my best friends in the community. It’s an institutional problem, not a personal one.

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