výhľad z postele dnes ráno (a zároveň aj dôvod, prečo je tentokrát liniek tak málo):
pozrite sa do skladov Amazonu – toto ma veru fascinovalo za starých dobrých čias, keď som ešte nakupovala cez Amazon… že si objednám 4-5 vecí, ktoré spolu absolútne nesúvisia a oni doracia v jednom balíku… ako?
o tom, aký je koniec semestra nebezpečný pre rodinných príslušníkov vysokoškolských študentov
Three possible solutions come to mind:
1. Stop giving exams.
2. Allow only orphans to enroll at universities.
3. Have students lie to their families. Students must never let any of their relatives know that they are at university. (Initial field tests show that keeping just the grandmother ignorant is neither feasible nor safe for the rest of the family.) It is not enough merely to lie about exams; if the family doesn’t know when the exams are, they may then worry constantly and this may lead to even higher death rates. The only solution is that the family must never be aware that the student is even enrolled at a university. Students must pretend they are in the armed forces, have joined some religious cult, or have been kidnapped by aliens. All of these alternate explanations for their long absences will keep the family ignorant of the true, dangerous, fact. Although it might be argued that such large-scale deceptions could not be maintained for long periods, the success of many politicians suggests otherwise.