life in progress

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U.N. Picks Powerful Feminist (Wonder Woman) for Visible Job (Mascot) The United Nations just rejected seven female candidates vying to lead the global organization. Now, to promote women and girls, it is picking a cartoon character as its mascot: Wonder Woman. really bad chess just like chess, but with totally random pieces. Try 8 Knights, 4 Bishops, and 3 pawns The Nobel Prize…


CJ Heck: Now I’m Three and I Know …

I know never touch fire, that’s hot, but I can touch ice, ’cause it’s not, and puppies are soft and kitties are too, (so’s most of the stuff moms and dads give to you). I know never tell people they’re fat. (It will hurt them, if I do that) and rocks aren’t for throwing at others but it’s OK to throw pillows at brothers….



EU komisár pre ľudské práva vydal statement, kde spomína aj zaobchádzanie so ženami pri pôrode a linkuje na publikáciu, ktorú sme minulý rok vydali s ODZ heavy metal and natural language processing – najmetalovejšie slová? burn, cries, veins, eternity… najmenej metalové? particularly, indicated, secretary, committee… a ešte iná analýza dát: za svojich 67 rokov, Lego akosi zošedlo What you really…


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Melinda Gates: Current data is sexist and To close the gender gap, we have to close the data gap first write less code but the best code is no code at all. Every new line of code you willingly bring into the world is code that has to be debugged, code that has to be read and understood, code that…


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only men at your event? John Nash zahynul pri autonehode dokument Stále spolu confirmation bias “Be careful. People like to be told what they already know. Remember that. They get uncomfortable when you tell them new things. New things…well, new things aren’t what they expect. They like to know that, say, a dog will bite a man. That is what…


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čo sa deje v žilinskej nemocnici: časť 1 a časť 2 the facts of death (Neil Gaiman o Terrym Pratchetovi) raising teenagers A writer friend comes round. She brings her son, who is the same age as my older daughter. Once we carried these children in our arms; at other times we pushed them in strollers, or led them by the hand. Now he…


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snehové vločky rastúce pod mikroskopom why schools are failing our boys The lack of movement and rigid restrictions associated with modern schooling are killing my son’s soul. moja kamarátka Zuzina to po štyroch rokoch zabalila v Ugande, vybrala sa na pár týždňov do Argentíny, potom zavítala aj na Slovensko (to, že sme skoro do druhej v noci klábosili pri vínku…


O bystrých deťoch a náboženstve

odtiaľto Faith… the choice to believe in something without proof (and yes, for us, it is a choice)… does not ever work for us. Our heads and hearts simply do not function that way. I know this because I’ve tried to believe, driven myself to ulcers, and failed. Trying to use faith with smart kids is a lot like trying to mix oil…


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prvá časť rozhovoru, ktorý som na jeseň robila s Austrálčankou Hannah Dahlen amazing radiology images Why you should tell your children how much you make – tanto článok (prišiel s ním Mišo) pred pár dňami inšpiroval zaujímavú debatu u nás doma Vo štvrtok večer som sa s kolegami kúsok pred vypršaním časového limitu dostala z The Room (síce bez nápovedy, ale nie…


Hold on to your kids

Táto kniha má podnadpis “Prečo treba, aby na rodičoch záležalo viac ako na rovesníkoch”. Niekedy pred časom som tu písala o knihe Nurture assumption, ktorá mala pre zmenu podnadpis “Na rodičoch záleží menej, než si myslíte a na rovesníkoch viac”. V niečom sú tieto knihy protikladmi, ale v niečom sa dosť dopĺňajú. Hovorí o tom, že rovesníci naše deti ovplyvňujú rôznymi…
