Diana Gabaldon o tehotenstve

Spomínala som, že sa chystám čítať Outlander-ku. Som v polovici druhej knihy a môžem potvrdiť, že je to chytľavé, vtipné, zaujímavé čítanie. Sebestačná hlavná hrdinka s na 18-te storočie pomerne feministicky zmýšľajúcim partnerom. Odporúčam.

A dám dva úryvky. V tomto prvom jedna z vedľajších postáv popisuje tehotenstvo:

You feel as thought your skin is verra thin all over. You feel everything that touches you, even the rubbing of your clothes, and not just on your belly, but over your legs and flanks and breasts. They feel heavy and full… and they’re verra sensitive just at the tips. And of course you’re big and you’re clumsy. You take up more room than you’re used to…

In the early days, it’s a bit like belly-gas, like little bubbles, rippling through your belly. But then later, you feel the child move, and it’s like a fish on your line and then gone – like a quick tug, but so soon past you’re not sure you felt it…

They sleep, ye know, for hours at a time. Sometimes ye fear they’ve died, when there’s no movement for a long time. Then you try to wake them – her hand pushed in sharply at the side and was rewarded immediately by a push in the opposite direction – and you’re happy when they kick again. But it’s not just the babe itself. You feel swollen all over, near the end. Not painful… just so ripe you could burst. It’s as though you need to be touched, verra lightly, all over…

And in the last month or so, the milk begins to come in. You feel yourself filling, just a wee bit at a time, a little each time the child moves. And then suddenly, everything comes up hard and round. There’s no pain, then, just a breathless feeling, and then your breasts tingle as though they’ll explode if they’re not suckled…

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