Neviem sa odlepiť od správ. Sme odtiaľ tisícky kilometrov ďaleko, ale aj tak to vnímam ako “vedľa”. Dúfam, že Ukrajina to ustojí, kým sa niekomu podarí Putina odstrániť. Viem si síce predstaviť veľa riešení, ale žiadne s aktuálnym Putinom. A aj toto bude ťažké. Aj keď jeho percentá v poslednej dobe klesli, predikčné trhy odhadujú, že bude viesť Rusko ešte nejakú chvíľu. Neoverené správy hovoria, že sa presťahoval do bunkra na Ural, kde asi nie je ľahké sa k nemu dostať. A svet by to potreboval skôr, než naozaj siahne po jadrových zbraniach, ako sa vyhrážal. Už máme za sebou sériu “to by neurobil, že nie?” Ale urobil.
Boli (aj počas nášho života) a sú vo svete aj iné vojny, ale tie som nevnímala takto existenčne. Lebo ich neviedol takto vyzbrojený diktátor na demokratickú krajinu? Alebo preto, že neboli tak blízko?
Kamarát Ukrajinec, ktorý teraz žije aj s rodinou v Kanade:
Our families in Ukraine are safe for now. They are some distance from the front lines. But extremely stressed, nevertheless. As we all are… Most frustrating is that they don’t want to leave now while they still can. Our parents have Canadian visas. [They] say, they will fight Russians.
We really appreciate the support we receive from all European countries neighboring Ukraine. Specifically, we would like to thank Slovakia for accepting Ukrainian refugee women and children. Maryna’s best friend was able to cross the Slovak border running from the war with her two young daughters. She was very emotional describing how well they were received and how much support was offered. They had a family member from Germany waiting for them. So they ended up going to Germany.
Ako môže takto rozprávať?
A Prayer for Volodymyr Zelensky
Yesterday, Zelensky told a videoconference of European leaders that they would likely not ever see him again. The whole world can see that his execution is very likely imminent. What reason does he have to doubt that Vladimir Putin will order his murder, as the Russian leader has done with so many of his bravest critics and enemies? Zelensky’s fate is so clear that Washington offered to extricate him from Kyiv, so that he could form a government in exile. But Zelensky swatted away the promise of safety. He reportedly preferred that Washington deliver him more arms for his resistance: “The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride.”
Na záver ešte na odľahčenie niečo z iného súdka. Že bol Zelensky komik/herec predtým, ako sa stal prezidentom, to som vedela. Ale nevedela som, že hral učiteľa dejepisu, ktorý sa “nechtiac” stane prezidentom. Pozrite si aspoň prvú časť.